International Cybersecurity Research Made in Hamburg

Our Team

Dr. Matthias Schulze

Senior Researcher

Dr. Matthias Schulze is the head of the research focus "International Cybersecurity" at the IFSH. Before he joined IFSH in October 2023, he was the deputy head of the Security Research Group at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), as well as the Principal Investigator in the European Repository of Cyber Incidents project.

He completed research stays at the Canadian Citizen Lab and researched and taught at the Chair of International Relations at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, where he obtained his PhD in Political Science. In addition, he is the host of the podcast on his main topics: cyber conflicts, cyber espionage, and disinformation.

Lena Pollmann

Project Coordinator

Lena Pollmann studied political science and peace and conflict studies in Würzburg and Magdeburg. She is the ICS project coordinator since January 2021. From July 2017 until October 2020, she was a researcher at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg, focusing on African security governance and norms linked to military missions in Africa. Before returning to an academic career, she worked in humanitarian aid in South Sudan and Iraq.

Previous Team Members:

Jantje Silomon
Senior Researcher

Mischa Hansel
Senior Researcher

Kathrin Moog
Research Assistant

Fabiola Schwarz
Research Assistant

Emilia Neuber
Research Assistant